Divine Feminine Spirit and Chinese Medicine

Services & Programs

Open the Gateway to Spirit-- Ignite2life Healing Package

imageStep 1-Connection and Movement

With this session, I will introduce Qigong and/or Taoist movement exercises for you to improve your flexibility and energy.



Step 2 - Unblock Channels


Utilizing Celestial Acupuncture, you will gain greater connection to your Higher Self, and keep the conduit between your Spiritual Heart and Universal Life Force in flow, to inform your choices and actions for healing and alignment to your Soul's purpose




Step 3 - Balance Energy Centers


Sound healing using the Sacred Sofeggio Scale can help to clear and balance the Chakras on both the Ren and Du Channels (the Microcosmic Orbit) for enhanced energy, calm, spiritual connection and greater Vitality.





Step 4 - Hear the Inner Voice of Spiritimage

With an Energetic Soul Analysis (ESA), you will understand your Divine Soul Blueprint, which is your signature Soul print, and how to best express your Soul Purpose.  We will also uncover blocks and restrictions from past and present lives that impede your Soul's expression, creating lack in your life, in some fashion.  We will clear these blocks and restrictions, so you can start to live the life you were destined to live, here and now.


The Holy Trinity of Sound & Vibration Package

This package offers 3 Sacred Solfeggio Sound Healing Sessions!  Each session will last between 60-90 minutes.

Clients experience deep relaxation, calming and rejuvenating effects during and after the session. See the Testimonials page!


Are you one who understands the benefits of layering on several treatments to increase the effect of one?  This is exactly why I'm offering this Holy Trinity of Sound and Vibration Package.  You will get more positive, longer-lasting effects with 3 consecutive treatments, rather than just one, stand-alone treatment.  This is because, we will start to get to the deeper causative layers of imbalance with 3 sessions.  Plus, 3 is a magic number within the Solfeggio Sacred Geometry...

This package is perfect for those suffering from anxiety and insomnia.  Would that be you?  Want to get a handle on your out-of-control levels of stress?  

Sign up with me now!

Ignite2Life Your Soul Purpose- 8 week program

1/2 Day Immersion that includes:

  • 1 Hour Energetic Soul Anaysis (ESA)--This reading will illuminate your Soul Level gifts, AKA your Divine Soul Blueprint, and how to best express your Soul Purpose, which is your most ideal expression here in this 3rd Dimension. We will also uncover blocks and restrictions from past and present lives that impede your Soul's purpose, creating lack in your life, in some fashion.  We will clear these blocks and restrictions, so you can start to live the life you were destined to live, here and now.
  • 1 1/2 Hour Celestial Acupuncture and Sacred Solfeggio Sound healing session that utilizes the Sacred Geometry of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life overlaid onto the meridian system, in combination with Sound Healing along the Microcosmic Orbit for Chakra Balancing for increased Life Force energy and calming of the Shen.


7 weeks of follow up Support Sessions (1 Hour each)

  • Includes weekly Soul Purpose Support, Celestial Acupuncture and Sacred Solfeggio Sound healing sessions.

Charter member pricing for the first 5 people to enroll!  Contact me now to get details!