Divine Feminine Spirit and Chinese Medicine


Testimonials for Holly



* I've had two sound healing sessions from Holly and both produced positive tangible benefits.  The first treatment was a longer session and I was surprised at how deeply relaxed and tranquil I felt for many hours afterwards.  The second treatment was shorter, 20 minutes or so, but again I felt much more calm and peaceful after the session.  In addition, my energy field seemed more cleaned out, or clear, as if some kind of interference pattern had been removed.  In general, I felt more balanced and energetic for the rest of the day.  And given that I had been tired and a little stressed beforehand, I was very pleased with the results.

Holly's Energetic Soul Analysis was done very professionally, with lots of information.  I feel like she uncovered all the corners of my Soul...

Stephen E


*  I felt compelled to write this testimonial about Holly...I am totally impressed and happy with (her)!  I'd been wanting to do acupuncture for many years and in March (2020) I finally did it.  I only wish I'd done it sooner!

I've had chronic lower back pain all my adult life and also in the past 2 years developed "tennis elbow".  After seeing Holly just 1 time I saw significant improvement in my elbow and the start of improvement in my back.  After 3 sessions, spaced over the cours of 2 weeks, I feel like a new person!

...Holly really knows her stuff!  She is educated and skilled in the art & science of acupuncture.  She is professional and warm and you can tell she enjoys what she does.  Making her clients feel better is her goal and she achieves it!  Holly is a good communicator as well; she explains what she is doing and why, and makes sure you feel comfortable with it...

Jen R


Acupuncture treatments with (Holly) provided relief from headache and fibro(myalgia) pain flare-up, including being able to coordinate with doctor to reduce medications with the hopes to eliminate all together.  Recommendations for supplements...have made a tremendous difference.  I appreciate (Holly's) knowledge and expertise for improving healthy living as well as sharing research for best ways to handle specific issues for overall well-being.



Holly's sound therapy treatment helped to significantly reduce the anxiety that I had been experiencing. At first, I was both curious and skeptical of sound therapy, but I figured I had nothing to lose in giving it a chance. Holly guided me through the session and I was surprised to feel sensations in my body during the treatment even thoug there was no physical contact (i.e. remote session). I believe sound therapy has tremendous healing potential and I look forward to working with Holly again. 

Darren L


* (After the sound therapy session, I felt) relaxed and happy when I left. The next days were stressful, but I got through it. I've been able to sleep really well the last few days, which is great. It seems I'm able to work with my moods and my mind well enough to settle myself down at the end of the day, which isn't always the case. I was also able to think more clearly...for the next couple of days at least. I felt like I had more vitality right after the session and for the rest of the day. I would like to try it again sometime.



 Really powerful, not subtle! I didn't sleep very well last night, but feel like I got 8 hours sleep (after the sound therapy session). I was dragging during the day, but after the session, I felt more alert and able to continue working. Later that evening, I slept really great! 

And after the remote sound healing session, I felt great! I was surprised by how much I could feel with the virtual conference session.


*  Due to a continuing issue with muscle stiffness during the colder months of the year I had multiple acupuncure and massage appointments with Holly during the course of 2018-2019, all with favorable results.  It was at my last appointment that she suggest I try a sound healing session.  So I did.

The sound healing techniques used by Holly had an inherent transformative power.  I noticed immediately that the sound emanating from the tuning forks is attuned to the creative vibratory fields of the universe, and as the intentional application of this musically woven tapestry, professionally expressed by Holly's deep understandign on how to best craft a personal environment for her clients, inherently improved my physical, emotional & spiritual well-being.

Upon completion of my successful session with Holly, the follow-up interview enhanced my overall understanding of what just occurred from an energetic perspective.

I found the entire episodes to be profound vibratory experience, one that I could say without hesitation was better than any massage I had ever received.

Michael S


*Holly is a magician.  After the distance/remote Sound healing session, I felt lighter, feeling energy moving throughout the energy body.  The next couple days, I felt amazing:  more centered, more clarity of the mind, much more emotionally stable.  Surprisingly more effective than other modalities I've experienced...

Carmen L


* I really loved all the details of the Energetic Soul Analysis that Holly's reading provided!

Molly J