Divine Feminine Spirit and Chinese Medicine

My Story

imageHolly was born in Vietnam, and as an infant, placed in an orphanage.  At 6 weeks old, she was adopted by an American couple who were living there teaching English for 2 years.

Luckily Holly Ross found her calling in Chinese Medicine.  Or maybe, Chinese Medicine found her.  It was 1987--driving in Los Angeles on the US 10 Freeway, flipping through the radio stations, when she heard an interview about acupuncture.  Within 4 months of hearing the radio interview, she was in school in Santa Fe, NM at the International Institute of Chinese Medicine, beginning her studies without ever having had a treatment.  And for the first time in her life, something finally made sense to her on a VERY deep level.  This was just the beginning...

Over 30 years later, Holly is still deeply committed to bringing more effective natural healing options to others.  To her, Chinese Medicine is not just a treatment modality.  It is a philosophy, a way of life.

Holly embraces the concept that Chinese Medicine is a partnership with her patients.  This approach allows the patient to have more power in bringing back health and optimal function to their lives.  It also means the patient takes more responsibility for their own health and wellness. 

And as the consciousness of humanity continues to quicken, Holly is even more committed to bringing the next phase of healing to the fore.  Continuing her studies into the Quantum Field, Holly is expanding her practice, now focusing on distance/remote healing that can be done with a phone call/video conference. 

She specializes in longer-term programs for those who, like her, are deeply committed to their own positive transfomation and embodying their Soul purpose while here in the 3rd dimension.  Core treatment methods include Energetic Soul Anaysis, Celestial acupuncture, and vibrational/sound healing.

Are you ready for this level of improvement and wellness? If you are, jump on in and take that leap of faith with a healing system that has been thousands of years in the making!