Divine Feminine Spirit and Chinese Medicine


Hello, Holly Ross here and Welcome to my Website! 

What can you do to recover your health with Chinese Medicine, Sound and Soul Healing?  Well, after 30 years of practicing, I find 3 areas that seem to be missing for many people:  Divine Feminine Spirit.  If you address them,  you can experience deeper levels of health, calm, heart-opening, authentic expression of yourself that will carry over into all areas of your life.  Stubborn health issues, that haven't responded to other means, can seemingly miraculously respond.

Divine:  Many of us don't realize or understand that we are Divine expressions of the Creator, and have vast capacities for self-healing.  We just need to provide the proper and supportive environment to allow these infinite possibilities to show themselves to us, and express themselves through us. Isn't it time you connect to your more authentic, divine nature, who is ready and waiting for you to realize how powerful you are?

imageFeminine:  In our fast-paced, stress-inducing, overly masculine way of living our lives, most of us are neglecting the Yin/Feminine nature of our being.  Quiet time to rest, reflect, recover, & rejuvinate seems to be a foreign concept for many, or we may know that taking the time for self-care & self-nurturing could be helpful, but somehow we keep ignoring the inner voice...Over time this neglect can lead to increasing/ worsening health issues and an inability to experience joy, calm, vibrantly satisfying, creative expressions of ourselves.  Wouldn't you like to say "good-bye" to the over-worked, exhausted version of yourself?  And say "hello" to the Feminine/Yin intelligence that is yours?

Spirit:  Our Spirit ("Shen" in Chinese) is disturbed and imbalanced. Our Soul is crying out to us, wanting to share and express its purpose while here in the temporal realm, but we are often not listening. One thing that is sadly missing in allopathic medicine and sometimes even in alternative health care, is a good dose of tending to the Spirit/Shen, and opening of the heart.  Often our tormented Spirit expresses itself in the physical body and manifests as all kinds of illness and disease.  So it's not enough to work on the phyiscal body alone.  We need to listen to what our Spirit's voice is telling us, using healing methods that bring it back into balance, and then activate it further.  Are you ready to open your heart and connect to your Spirit, for more profound healing? 

If you're looking to naturally enhance your health and take care of your body/mind/spirit, you've come to the right place.

As a NCCAOM-certified professional, I can help you transform your vitality and your life for the better. I can help you look and feel your best. And I can help you enjoy yourself along the way.

To get in touch with me, simply go to the "Contact Me" Page and send me an email.